• Safety

    Travel Advice & Staying Safe

    Pool Safety

    Indonesian law does not require pool fences. When travelling with young children who may not be able to swim we insist guests hire a pool fence to protect young children from drowning. Please request a pool fence if you are travelling with young children. Please see our Terms and Conditions.

    Travel Insurance

    Villa Khaleesi strongly recommends you take out comprehensive travel insurance (including cancellation, flight delays, loss and damage to baggage and other property) and health insurance (including evacuation and repatriation coverage).

    Hiring Motor Cycles

    Riding on a motorcycle in Bali may look exciting and fun however if you do not regularly ride a motorcycle at home, please DO NOT START on your Bali holiday. We have seen too many serious accidents occur that quickly turn a holiday in a traumatic event. Grab and taxis are exceptionally inexpensive in Bali. Book one if you need to go somewhere and stay safe.


    If you insist on riding a bike please ensure you have a valid international driver's license. Local police target tourists and will fine you on the spot if you fail to have the proper papers.

    Managing Money

    Currency in Bali: Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)

    The official currency of Indonesia, including Bali, is the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR). While some places might accept credit cards, when buying in local markets and warungs, retailers use IDR for most transactions.

    Currency Exchange

    Currency exchange is available at various locations such as banks and exchange booths. Please only go to authorised money changers. Some money booths will have a sign saying they are authorised, unfortunately, these are NOT authorised. You will spot the problematic booths as their exchange rates will be higher than the regulated “bank” like exchange centres.

    Once you have done a foreign exchange transaction ensure the exchange staff DO NOT touch the money. Please count the money before leaving the bank to ensure you have the correct amount.

    When you come to Bali you become an instant millionaire. The denominations are also a little confusing (so many zeros) and its easy to make a mistake when handling money.

    It's a good idea to exchange a small amount of your home currency for IDR upon arrival to cover initial expenses. Keep in mind that exchange rates might vary, so it's wise to compare rates before making a transaction. If however the rate looks too good to be true - it usually is!

    Managing Your Expenses

    To prevent any confusion or misunderstandings regarding your spending during your stay, here are a few tips:

    • Carry Small Denominations: Having smaller bills can be helpful for minor expenses and ensuring accurate change.
    • Don’t Carry All Your Cash. Only take the cash you need, and leave your other cash securely in a safe or other safe place.
    • Carry Your Cash in Different Locations. When you are out don’t have all your cash in one wallet, pocket or purse. If you are unlucky and get robbed or pickpocketed, the thief may only get part of your cash. Carry cash in different pockets and ensure they can be zipped. Some people also use money belts or neck pouches.
    • Keep Track: Consider using a mobile app or a small notebook to jot down your expenses. This can help you keep track of where your money is going and stay within your budget.
    • Check Bills Carefully: When dining out or making purchases, double-check your bills to ensure accuracy.
    • Receipts: Whenever possible, request and keep receipts for your transactions. These can serve as a reference and help resolve any discrepancies.
    • Safe Usage: We provide a secure safe in each room for your valuable belongings. Rest assured that our staff cannot access the safe without your authorization. If you need to reset the passcode, please reach out to our Villa Manager. Should our staff need to assist you in accessing the safe, you will need to reset your passcode as the use of a key will automatically reset the safe.

    Avoiding Currency Confusion

    Here are a few additional strategies to avoid confusion during your stay:

    • Currency Conversion Apps: Install a currency conversion app on your smartphone to quickly convert IDR to your home currency. This can help you gauge the value of items and services. XE.com is a good free app many people use..
    • Communication with Staff: Our staff are here to assist you. If you have questions or concerns about currency, spending, where to exchange money or any other matter, please don't hesitate to ask. We're here to ensure your stay is pleasant and worry-free.
    • Budget in Advance: Setting a daily or overall budget for your trip can help you keep spending in check and prevent any unexpected financial stress.

    We hope this information helps you navigate currency and expenses more smoothly during your time in Bali. Our goal is to provide you with a fantastic experience, and we're available to assist you in any way we can. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please ask our Manager. Have a wonderful stay at our villa and enjoy all that Bali has to offer!